
My Youtube Channels

Hi there,

Besides photography and book writing, I really like uploading music to my Youtube channels.

I have two channels and one of them is dedicated to country music and I upload new songs every week.
So far I have uploaded: Lady Antebellum, Blake Shelton, Jason Aldean, Chris Young, Dustin Lynch, and more!

I create album cover videos using Windows 7 Video Maker and I make sure they are high definition and glitch free. Sometimes, I will make photo montages of the artist with one of their songs playing in the background.

I also put quick links to Amazon or Itunes for the song at the top of the description for your convenience.

Here's an example from my country music channel: Earth2CountryMusic

If you're a country music fan, please visit: youtube.com/user/earth2summer

My other channel is dedicated to movie soundtracks. This is a little harder for me because most soundtracks are heavily copyrighted and Youtube will not allow me to upload them. But not all are heavily copyrighted!
At this point I have uploaded: Extreme Ways by Moby from The Bourne Legacy, There's A Place For Us by Carrie Underwood from Narnia 3, Never Had by Oscar Isaac from 10 Years, and more!

Here's an example from my movie soundtrack channel: Earth2Soundtrack

If you're interested, please visit: youtube.com/user/earth2soundtrack

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I hope you enjoyed the videos above. :)

Best Regards,

Disclaimer: I do not own the songs or covers in the videos above.

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